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Welcome to the
Behavioral Development
Special Interest Group

Welcome to the new Behavioral Development Bulletin Special Interest Group (SIG) website. For those of you who are coming here for the first time and who may not be familiar with the Behavioral Development Bulletin, we are a special interest group of the Association for Behavior Analysis, International. Every year we have a large program offering at the ABA. The Behavioral Development Bulletin is the official journal of the Behavioral Development Special Interest Group of the Association for Behavior Analysis (ABA).

The Behavioral Development SIG has focused on behavior-analytic functional relations in a developmental frame, that is, where those relationships are examined across two or more points in a developmental sequence. The SIG's emphases are upon environmental-unit behavior-unit interactions in basic and applied contexts, in mammalian species, and across any sequences or combinations of developmental points (and, in initial phases, at single developmental points). Species-specific considerations are taken into account in relation to the functional relationships. Use of demographic independent variables is not encouraged, except when they could facilitate clearly uncovering the underlying behavioral processes. Occasionally, the environment-behavior interactions in a developmental frame are grouped under a superordinate concept (e.g., "attachment," "learned helplessness"), to allow the behavior-analytic description/explanation to be evaluated against an alternative description/explanation. More generally, the SIG examines also how different theoretical positions, within and without behavior analysis, approach identical questions. The historical bases of behaviorism, and of behavior analysis as a scientific or applied field, may be examined also.

In this context, the Behavioral Developmental SIG routinely produces a full program for each annual meeting of ABAI, in which symposia, papers, invited addresses, tutorials, and panel discussions covering the range of interests noted above are represented.

The SIG also produces a journal titled Behavioral Development Bulletin (BDB) that publishes refereed articles on theory and research under the conception of developmental behavior analysis outlined above.

More about the Behavioral Development SIG.


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