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Please the questions about the definition of an Order of Hierarchical Complexity.
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恭喜!你已经完成了问题集2 – 等级复杂性模型。
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Question 1 of 22
1. Question
What order is defined here? 请问这形容的是哪一个层级?
- Sentences are organized into paragraph long utterances. 句子以有组织的段落形式呈现出来
- Tell stories that are not matched against external reality 讲故事时故事内容并不与外界世界脱节
- Count random events and objects 有能力数清楚任何事件或事物的数量
- Follows lists of sequential acts 有按照顺序完成指定任务的能力
CorrectVery Good! You were Correct
IncorrectSorry, the answer you gave is incorrect. The correct answer is “7″ or “preoperational”
不好意思,您回答错误。正确答案是“7” 或者“前运算阶段”
Question 2 of 22
2. Question
What Order is defined here? 请问这形容的是哪一个层级?
- Simple logical deductions and time sequences are used to describe actual instances 在陈述真实事件时,对一些逻辑进行必要的缩减
- These instances are actual because they occur in past or present time 这些事件都是曾经或正在发生的真实事件,而不是假设的虚幻的
- They are composed of specific 这些事件有详细的细节信息,例如:
- Incidents事情
- Actors 人物
- Actions 行为
- Places 地点
- Times in the context of the interaction between self and other有与他人互动的能力
CorrectVery Good! You were Correct
IncorrectSorry, the answer you gave is incorrect. The correct answer is “Concrete” or “9″
不好意思,您回答错误。正确答案是“9” 或者“具体阶段”
Question 3 of 22
3. Question
What Order is defined here?请问这形容的是哪一个层级?
- A label given to a group of concrete things (e.g., the label “furniture” instead of listing objects “desks, chairs, tables”) 了解实际事物的抽象总称,如:了解家具的含义包含了凳子,桌子,沙发等
- A label “feelings” instead of listing experiences of “happy, sad, mad” 了解“感觉”的抽象含义而不是单纯的列举快乐,伤心,或生气
- Classification words like “furniture,” “feelings,” “group,” “the law,” “teachers,” “politicians,” “polluters” are used 能够区分不同抽象总称之间的区别。如:家具,感情,法律等
- Dualisms (e.g., best/worst, good/bad) and stereotypes result from using label variables 对事物的了解主要由二元论组成,如:事情只有好或者坏,黑或者白。并将此理论运用在生活许多事物中
CorrectVery Good! You were Correct
IncorrectSorry, the answer you gave is incorrect. The correct answer is “Abstract” or “10″
不好意思,您回答错误。正确答案是“10” 或者“抽象阶段”
Question 4 of 22
4. Question
What Order is defined here?请问这形容的是哪一个层级?
- These relational statements include了解抽象关系,如:
- Logical reasoning 逻辑关系
- Empirical problem solving 实证问题解决
- Understanding of events’ cause and effect 了解事情起因发展
- Logical statements are built by coordinating variables 能将事物以逻辑顺序表示出来,如:如果,那么就…
CorrectVery Good! You were Correct
IncorrectSorry, the answer you gave is incorrect. The correct answer is “Formal” or “11″
不好意思,您回答错误。正确答案是“11” 或者“形式阶段”
- These relational statements include了解抽象关系,如:
Question 5 of 22
5. Question
What Order is defined here?请问这形容的是哪一个层级?
- Empirical support means something 实证支持的作用
- Supported by finding empirical relationships 通过实证关系支持
- Events are observable 可观察到的事件
- Statements are verifiable with facts 陈述可以被事实验证
- Words occur like 这些单词会出现:
- “in every case, it turned out the same” “在每一个情况下,结果是一样的”
- “the reason is” “原因是”
- Words and sentences are linear and one-dimensional 单词和句子是线性和只有一个维度的
CorrectVery Good! You were Correct
IncorrectSorry, the answer you gave is incorrect. The correct answer is “Formal” or “11″
不好意思,您回答错误。正确答案是“11” 或者“形式阶段”
- Empirical support means something 实证支持的作用
Question 6 of 22
6. Question
What Order is defined here?请问这形容的是哪一个层级?
- This order is “multivariate.” This means it coordinates multiple aspects of two or more relations这个层级是多元的,那么这就意味着为了了解这个层级,需要协调两个或两个以上的多方面关系:
- “…relationships are built on trust and though we can not always keep them, making promises is one way we build trust, so it is generally better to make promises than not to make them.”例如:“关系是建立在信任之上的。虽然也许我们不能总保持着关系,但是承诺是我们建立信任的一种方式,所以相对比不承诺来说,作出承诺更能利于关系的发展。”
- The importance of trust to relationships信任在关系中的重要程度
- Building trust建立信任的必要性
- the possibility that promises can be broken and了解承诺是可以被打破的
- All are taken into account while formulating the conclusion that promises are desirable当了解以上所有的信息之后,能够得出承诺还是可行的结论
- “…relationships are built on trust and though we can not always keep them, making promises is one way we build trust, so it is generally better to make promises than not to make them.”例如:“关系是建立在信任之上的。虽然也许我们不能总保持着关系,但是承诺是我们建立信任的一种方式,所以相对比不承诺来说,作出承诺更能利于关系的发展。”
- This is a system of relationships among the mentioned elements or variables 这是一个由许多变量而组成的系统
CorrectVery Good! You were Correct
IncorrectSorry, the answer you gave is incorrect. The correct answer is “Systematic” or “12″
不好意思,您回答错误。正确答案是“12” 或者“系统阶段”
- This order is “multivariate.” This means it coordinates multiple aspects of two or more relations这个层级是多元的,那么这就意味着为了了解这个层级,需要协调两个或两个以上的多方面关系:
Question 7 of 22
7. Question
What Order is defined here?请问这形容的是哪一个层级?
- Multiple relations are put into relation多层关系被联系起来,建立起新的关系
- They must produce a sensible system of relations 这些关系必须形成关系间的合理制度
- Words like functional and structural can be used to indicate such relations一些词汇例如“功能”和“结构”可以用来表示这种关系
- The concept structure may be used也许需要用到“结构”这个概念来解释相对的关系:
- Does the structure of school help instill the qualities we want in future citizens? 例如:请问学校的结构是否有助于灌输学有关未来公民素质的知识?
CorrectVery Good! You were Correct
IncorrectSorry, the answer you gave is incorrect. The correct answer is “Systematic” or “12″
不好意思,您回答错误。正确答案是“12” 或者“系统阶段”
Question 8 of 22
8. Question
What Order is defined here?请问这形容的是哪一个层级?
- This order constructs multisystems out of disparate systems and perspectives 这个层级是由多个不相关的系统而组成的的多元系统
- The statement below is an example of this order. It is a participant’s perspective on what logic or evidence supports their personal view of Atheism 例子:一个人对于无神论者的理解是通过这个人的逻辑以及证据支持而得出的
- The logic that truth statements ought to be based on observable or other derivable facts, not prophets, scripture, or other such dogma 这种逻辑必须是基于观察或其他衍生的事实得出,不是由先知,经文,或其他类似的教条而得之的。
- Compares empiricism and deductive reasoning with dogma to reach a conclusion 通过比较经验和演绎推理,个人能从中得出关于多元系统的结论。
- The logic that truth statements ought to be based on observable or other derivable facts, not prophets, scripture, or other such dogma 这种逻辑必须是基于观察或其他衍生的事实得出,不是由先知,经文,或其他类似的教条而得之的。
CorrectVery Good! You were Correct
IncorrectSorry, the answer you gave is incorrect. The correct answer is “Metasystematic” or “13″
不好意思,您回答错误。正确答案是“13” 或者“元系统阶段”
Question 9 of 22
9. Question
What Order is defined here?请问这形容的是哪一个层级?
- Institutional structures may be compared 体制结构可能被比较:
- The military 军队
and 与 - Summer camp 夏令营
- The military 军队
- or of 或者是:
- Prisons 监狱
and 和 - High schools 高中
- Prisons 监狱
CorrectVery Good! You were Correct
IncorrectSorry, the answer you gave is incorrect. The correct answer is ”Metasystematic” or “13″
不好意思,您回答错误。正确答案是“13” 或者“元系统阶段”
- Institutional structures may be compared 体制结构可能被比较:
Question 10 of 22
10. Question
What Order is defined here? 这里定义的是哪个层级?
- This order results from combining or comparing systems of relations 这个层级由合并或者比较系统而得出。
- Several systems are coordinated 多个系统之间的协调,例如:
- “contracts and promises are articulations of a unique human quality 契约和承诺是人类品质独特的表达方式
- mutual trust, which coordinates human relations” 共同信任协调着人际关系
- Here, contracts and promises are seen as the instantiation of a broader principle coordinating human interactions. 契约和承诺被视为协调人际互动的广泛原则
- Words occur like 会出现类似的文字:
- Autonomy 自主权
- Parallelism 平行性
- Heteronomy 他律性
- Completeness 完整性
- Incompleteness 不完整性
- Such words “build in” a coordination of systems 这些词嵌入一个协调的系统
CorrectVery Good! You were Correct
IncorrectSorry, the answer you gave is incorrect. The correct answer is ”Metasystematic” or “13″
不好意思,您回答错误。正确答案是“13” 或者“元系统阶段”
Question 11 of 22
11. Question
What Order is defined here?
- Empirical support means something 实证支持的作用
- Supported by finding empirical relationships 通过实证关系支持
- Events are observable 可观察到的事件
- Statements are verifiable with facts 陈述可以被事实验证
- Words occur like 这些单词会出现:
- “in every case, it turned out the same” “在每一个情况下,结果是一样的”
- “the reason is” “原因是”
- Words and sentences are linear and one-dimensional 单词和句子是线性和只有一个维度的
CorrectVery Good! You were Correct
IncorrectSorry, the answer you gave is incorrect. The correct answer is “Formal” or “11″
不好意思,您回答错误。正确答案是“11” 或者“形式阶段”
- Empirical support means something 实证支持的作用
Question 12 of 22
12. Question
What Order is defined here?
- These relational statements include了解抽象关系,如:
- Logical reasoning 逻辑关系
- Empirical problem solving 实证问题解决
- Understanding of events’ cause and effect 了解事情起因发展
- Logical statements are built by coordinating variables 能将事物以逻辑顺序表示出来,如:如果,那么就…
CorrectVery Good! You were Correct
IncorrectSorry, the answer you gave is incorrect. The correct answer is “Formal” or “11″
不好意思,您回答错误。正确答案是“11” 或者“形式阶段”
- These relational statements include了解抽象关系,如:
Question 13 of 22
13. Question
What Order is defined here?
- Paragraph long utterances are organized into stories.段落以有组织的故事形式呈现出来
- These stories are matched to reality 这些故事与外界实际情况吻合
- Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division 有做加减乘除的能力
- Characterized by understanding own perspective or simple perspective of other person, but not both 能够了解自己的观点,或者简单的了解他人的观点,但不是两者都行
CorrectVery Good! You were Correct
IncorrectSorry, the answer you gave is incorrect. The correct answer is “Primary” or “8″
不好意思,您回答错误。正确答案是“8” 或者“初级阶段”
Question 14 of 22
14. Question
What order is defined here? 请问这形容的是哪一个层级?
- Sentences are organized into paragraph long utterances. 句子以有组织的段落形式呈现出来
- Tell stories that are not matched against external reality 讲故事时故事内容并不与外界世界脱节
- Count random events and objects 有能力数清楚任何事件或事物的数量
- Follows lists of sequential acts 有按照顺序完成指定任务的能力
CorrectVery Good! You were Correct
IncorrectSorry, the answer you gave is incorrect. The correct answer is “7″ or “preoperational”
不好意思,您回答错误。正确答案是“7” 或者“前运算阶段”
Question 15 of 22
15. Question
What Order is defined here?
- Paragraph long utterances are organized into stories.段落以有组织的故事形式呈现出来
- These stories are matched to reality 这些故事与外界实际情况吻合
- Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division 有做加减乘除的能力
- Characterized by understanding own perspective or simple perspective of other person, but not both 能够了解自己的观点,或者简单的了解他人的观点,但不是两者都行
CorrectVery Good! You were Correct
IncorrectSorry, the answer you gave is incorrect. The correct answer is “Primary” or “8″
不好意思,您回答错误。正确答案是“8” 或者“初级阶段”
Question 16 of 22
16. Question
What Order is defined here?
- Simple logical deductions and time sequences are used to describe actual instances 在陈述真实事件时,对一些逻辑进行必要的缩减
- These instances are actual because they occur in past or present time 这些事件都是曾经或正在发生的真实事件,而不是假设的虚幻的
- They are composed of specific 这些事件有详细的细节信息,例如:
- Incidents事情
- Actors 人物
- Actions 行为
- Places 地点
- Times in the context of the interaction between self and other有与他人互动的能力
CorrectVery Good! You were Correct
IncorrectSorry, the answer you gave is incorrect. The correct answer is “Concrete” or “9″
不好意思,您回答错误。正确答案是“9” 或者“具体阶段”
Question 17 of 22
17. Question
What Order is defined here?
- A label given to a group of concrete things (e.g., the label “furniture” instead of listing objects “desks, chairs, tables”) 了解实际事物的抽象总称,如:了解家具的含义包含了凳子,桌子,沙发等
- A label “feelings” instead of listing experiences of “happy, sad, mad” 了解“感觉”的抽象含义而不是单纯的列举快乐,伤心,或生气
- Classification words like “furniture,” “feelings,” “group,” “the law,” “teachers,” “politicians,” “polluters” are used 能够区分不同抽象总称之间的区别。如:家具,感情,法律等
- Dualisms (e.g., best/worst, good/bad) and stereotypes result from using label variables 对事物的了解主要由二元论组成,如:事情只有好或者坏,黑或者白。并将此理论运用在生活许多事物中
CorrectVery Good! You were Correct
IncorrectSorry, the answer you gave is incorrect. The correct answer is “Abstract” or “10″
不好意思,您回答错误。正确答案是“10” 或者“抽象阶段”
Question 18 of 22
18. Question
What Order is defined here?
- This order is “multivariate.” This means it coordinates multiple aspects of two or more relations这个层级是多元的,那么这就意味着为了了解这个层级,需要协调两个或两个以上的多方面关系:
- “…relationships are built on trust and though we can not always keep them, making promises is one way we build trust, so it is generally better to make promises than not to make them.”例如:“关系是建立在信任之上的。虽然也许我们不能总保持着关系,但是承诺是我们建立信任的一种方式,所以相对比不承诺来说,作出承诺更能利于关系的发展。”
- The importance of trust to relationships信任在关系中的重要程度
- Building trust建立信任的必要性
- the possibility that promises can be broken and了解承诺是可以被打破的
- All are taken into account while formulating the conclusion that promises are desirable当了解以上所有的信息之后,能够得出承诺还是可行的结论
- “…relationships are built on trust and though we can not always keep them, making promises is one way we build trust, so it is generally better to make promises than not to make them.”例如:“关系是建立在信任之上的。虽然也许我们不能总保持着关系,但是承诺是我们建立信任的一种方式,所以相对比不承诺来说,作出承诺更能利于关系的发展。”
- This is a system of relationships among the mentioned elements or variables 这是一个由许多变量而组成的系统
CorrectVery Good! You were Correct
IncorrectSorry, the answer you gave is incorrect. The correct answer is “Systematic” or “12″
不好意思,您回答错误。正确答案是“12” 或者“系统阶段”
- This order is “multivariate.” This means it coordinates multiple aspects of two or more relations这个层级是多元的,那么这就意味着为了了解这个层级,需要协调两个或两个以上的多方面关系:
Question 19 of 22
19. Question
What Order is defined here?
- Multiple relations are put into relation多层关系被联系起来,建立起新的关系
- They must produce a sensible system of relations 这些关系必须形成关系间的合理制度
- Words like functional and structural can be used to indicate such relations一些词汇例如“功能”和“结构”可以用来表示这种关系
- The concept structure may be used也许需要用到“结构”这个概念来解释相对的关系:
- Does the structure of school help instill the qualities we want in future citizens? 例如:请问学校的结构是否有助于灌输学有关未来公民素质的知识?
CorrectVery Good! You were Correct
IncorrectSorry, the answer you gave is incorrect. The correct answer is “Systematic” or “12″
不好意思,您回答错误。正确答案是“12” 或者“系统阶段”
Question 20 of 22
20. Question
What Order is defined here?
- This order constructs multisystems out of disparate systems and perspectives 这个层级是由多个不相关的系统而组成的的多元系统
- The statement below is an example of this order. It is a participant’s perspective on what logic or evidence supports their personal view of Atheism 例子:一个人对于无神论者的理解是通过这个人的逻辑以及证据支持而得出的
- The logic that truth statements ought to be based on observable or other derivable facts, not prophets, scripture, or other such dogma 这种逻辑必须是基于观察或其他衍生的事实得出,不是由先知,经文,或其他类似的教条而得之的。
- Compares empiricism and deductive reasoning with dogma to reach a conclusion 通过比较经验和演绎推理,个人能从中得出关于多元系统的结论。
- The logic that truth statements ought to be based on observable or other derivable facts, not prophets, scripture, or other such dogma 这种逻辑必须是基于观察或其他衍生的事实得出,不是由先知,经文,或其他类似的教条而得之的。
CorrectVery Good! You were Correct
IncorrectSorry, the answer you gave is incorrect. The correct answer is “Metasystematic” or “13″
不好意思,您回答错误。正确答案是“13” 或者“元系统阶段”
Question 21 of 22
21. Question
What Order is defined here?
- Institutional structures may be compared 体制结构可能被比较:
- The military 军队
and 与 - Summer camp 夏令营
- The military 军队
- or of 或者是:
- Prisons 监狱
and 和 - High schools 高中
- Prisons 监狱
CorrectVery Good! You were Correct
IncorrectSorry, the answer you gave is incorrect. The correct answer is ”Metasystematic” or “13″
不好意思,您回答错误。正确答案是“13” 或者“元系统阶段”
- Institutional structures may be compared 体制结构可能被比较:
Question 22 of 22
22. Question
What Order is defined here? 这里定义的是哪个层级?
- This order results from combining or comparing systems of relations 这个层级由合并或者比较系统而得出。
- Several systems are coordinated 多个系统之间的协调,例如:
- “contracts and promises are articulations of a unique human quality 契约和承诺是人类品质独特的表达方式
- mutual trust, which coordinates human relations” 共同信任协调着人际关系
- Here, contracts and promises are seen as the instantiation of a broader principle coordinating human interactions. 契约和承诺被视为协调人际互动的广泛原则
- Words occur like 会出现类似的文字:
- Autonomy 自主权
- Parallelism 平行性
- Heteronomy 他律性
- Completeness 完整性
- Incompleteness 不完整性
- Such words “build in” a coordination of systems 这些词嵌入一个协调的系统
CorrectVery Good! You were Correct
IncorrectSorry, the answer you gave is incorrect. The correct answer is ”Metasystematic” or “13″
不好意思,您回答错误。正确答案是“13” 或者“元系统阶段”