Introduction to the Model of Hierarchical Complexity
The Model of Hierarchical Complexity (MHC) identifies 17 orders of hierarchical complexity. Each order in the hierarchy is a deconstruction of a task. Each task has defining actions which characterize which order it belongs to in the MHC.
Model of Hierarchical Complexity 等级复杂性模型
Each Task from simple to more complex form a hierarchy. The performance of a task should always follow an order of development. If a task requires multiple lower order actions then that task is defined as more complex. Using the Axioms for the model, one can find what order a task fits in. There are three Axioms for MHC.
The Three Axioms for MHC: 等级复杂性模型的三公理
1) Defined in terms of at least two different actions from the next lowest order.
2) Organizes these different lower-order actions.
3) And does so in a non-arbitrary way.
17 Orders of Hierarchical Complexity
- 0: Calculatory 计算阶段
- 1: Automatic 自动阶段
- 2: Sensory and Motor 感觉或运动阶段
- 3: Circular sensory-motor 感觉运动循环阶段
- 4: Sensory-motor 感觉运动阶段
- 5: Nominal 字义阶段
- 6: Sentential 句义阶段
- 7: Preoperational 前运算阶段
- 8: Primary 初级阶段
- 9: Concrete 具体阶段
- 10: Abstract 抽象阶段
- 11: Formal 形式阶段
- 12: Systematic 系统阶段
- 13: Metasystematic 元系统阶段
- 14: Paradigmatic 聚合阶段
- 15: Cross-paradigmatic 交叉聚合阶段
- 16: Meta Cross-paradigmatic 元交叉聚合阶段