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Read the following and guess the Order of Hierarchical Complexity of the tasks that follow afterwards:
Three Axioms of MHC 等级复杂性模型的三个公理
- Higher order actions are defined in terms of two or more different lower order actions. 等级复杂性模型相对较高的等级行为是由两个或两个以上相对较低的的等级行为决定的
- This puts the actions into a hierarchical relationship 这体现了行为的等级化关系:
- The higher order actions organize or transform the two or more lower order ones 层级相对较高的行为能够整合与转化这些难度较低的任务
- This is how the actions are combined to form the new action
- 这可以解释旧的行为是如何整合成新的行为的
- This is how the actions are combined to form the new action
- The organization is not arbitrary这种整合不是任意的
- This makes the organization match the real world这个让组织与现实匹配
Instructions 指令
- Rule: If axiom 1 is violated, then axioms 2 and 3 are also violated.规则:如果公理1被违反,那么公理2与公理3也相应的被违反
- If axiom 2 is violated, then axiom 3 is violated. 如果公理2被违反,那么公理3也相应的被违反
- There will be examples. 题目中将会出现一些例子
- What order does the example meet? 您将要判断这些例子从属于哪个层级?
- What next order does the example fail to meet? 你还需要判断这些例子没有达到哪个层级的标准?
- What axioms are violated and preclude the example from reflecting the next higher order? 为什么该例子没有达到层级标准?它违反了哪项公理?
- What are the elements (Variables, relations, systems, relations among systems) used in the example? 这个例子中使用了哪些元素(变量,关系,系统,多元系统)?
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You have completed Section 3 -MHC. Congratulations! 恭喜你完成了问题集3 – 等级复杂性模型。
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Question 1 of 24
1. Question
Task: Count to five
Answer 回答:1, 2, 3, 4, 5
CorrectVery Good! You were Correct 恭喜,您回答正确!
Passes Preoperational 7: Counts a sequence in order 通过前运算阶段7, 能够按顺序数数
Fails Primary 8. 未达到初级阶段8
Violates Axiom 1违背公理1:计数的能力并没有上升到算数的能力
- The counting is not organized into higher order arithmetic数数能力并没有被整合成更高难度的算术问题
IncorrectSorry, the answer you gave is incorrect. The correct answer is ”Preoperational” or “7″不好意思,您回答错误。正确答案是“7” 或者“前运算阶段”
Passes Preoperational 7: Counts a sequence in order 通过前运算阶段7, 能够按顺序数数
Fails Primary 8. 未达到初级阶段8
Violates Axiom 1违背公理1:计数的能力并没有上升到算数的能力
- The counting is not organized into higher order arithmetic数数能力并没有被整合成更高难度的算术问题
Question 2 of 24
2. Question
Task: Describe the moon任务:描述一下月亮
Answer: The moon is round. It has holes in it.回答:月亮是圆的,上面有洞。
CorrectVery Good! You were Correct 恭喜,您回答正确!
Passes Preoperational 7: Multiple sentences tell story about one topic通过前运算阶段7, 用多个句子讲述一个主题故事
Fails Primary 8. 未达到初级阶段8
Violates Axiom 1 违背公理1:
- No new order is defined by the preoperational action没有显示新的层级
- No verification of statements多个句子没有相对的主题句来引导
IncorrectSorry, the answer you gave is incorrect. The correct answer is ”Preoperational”or “7″ 不好意思,您回答错误。正确答案是“7” 或者“前运算阶段”
Passes Preoperational 7: Multiple sentences tell story about one topic通过前运算阶段7, 用多个句子讲述一个主题故事
Fails Primary 8. 未达到初级阶段8
Violates Axiom 1 违背公理1:
- No new order is defined by the preoperational action没有显示新的层级
- No verification of statements多个句子没有相对的主题句来引导
Question 3 of 24
3. Question
- Task: Use distribution in the problem 2 x (3 +4) 任务:运用分配法做这个问题:2 x (3 +4)
- Answer回答: 2+4×3
CorrectVery Good! You were Correct 恭喜,您回答正确!
Passes Primary 8通过初级阶段8
- Uses simple arithmetic 能够使用简单的算术方法
Fails Concrete 9 未通过具体阶段9
- Violates Axiom 3 违背公理3:
- Primary stage actions are organized, but the organization is arbitrary 虽然初级阶段的行为已经被很好的组合,但是却不能灵活使用
IncorrectSorry, the answer you gave is incorrect. The correct answer is ”Primary” or “8″ 不好意思,您回答错误。正确答案是“8” 或者“初级阶段”
Passes Primary 8通过初级阶段8
- Uses simple arithmetic 能够使用简单的算术方法
Fails Concrete 9 未通过具体阶段9
- Violates Axiom 3 违背公理3:
- Primary stage actions are organized, but the organization is arbitrary 虽然初级阶段的行为已经被很好的组合,但是却不能灵活使用
Question 4 of 24
4. Question
- Task: Describe what the water is doing 任务:解释一下水在做什么?
- Answer: The water is filling the bathtub so I can take a bath 回答:水在充满浴缸,好让我洗澡。
CorrectVery Good! You were Correct 恭喜,您回答正确!
Passes Primary 8通过初级阶段8
- Story with logically ordered sequence events connected solidly to reality.故事富有逻辑性,并能与真实世界紧密地联系起来。
- Some specified times, places, acts, actors. 能够描述一些具体的时间,地点,行为。
- Perspective of self. 有自我意识。
Fails Concrete 9 未通过具体阶段9
- Violates Axiom 1 违背公理1:
- Does not place story in the context of interaction between self and other. 在故事中,并没有他人意识以及自我意识的互动
IncorrectSorry, the answer you gave is incorrect. The correct answer is ”Primary” or “8″ 不好意思,您回答错误。正确答案是“8” 或者“初级阶段”
Passes Primary 8通过初级阶段8
- Story with logically ordered sequence events connected solidly to reality.故事富有逻辑性,并能与真实世界紧密地联系起来。
- Some specified times, places, acts, actors. 能够描述一些具体的时间,地点,行为。
- Perspective of self. 有自我意识。
Fails Concrete 9 未通过具体阶段9
- Violates Axiom 1 违背公理1:
- Does not place story in the context of interaction between self and other. 在故事中,并没有他人意识以及自我意识的互动
Question 5 of 24
5. Question
- Task: Describe how Tom got to see a movie he wanted to see. 任务:描述汤姆是如何看到他想看到的电影的
- Answer: Tom did his chore. He cleaned the house. Like the last time he did that, his parents gave Tom money for a movie he wanted to see.回答:汤姆做了些苦差事。他打扫房子,就像上次一样,因此他的父母给了汤姆看电影的钱让他看他想看的电影。
CorrectVery Good! You were Correct 恭喜,您回答正确!
Passes Concrete 9 通过具体阶段9
- Can describe events in past and present that show interrelations. 可以将过去与现在的事件结合起来
Fails Abstract 10 未通过抽象阶段10
- Violates Axiom 1 违背公理1:
- There is no new class defined in terms of generalization from, or classification of 事件中的内容并没有整合或者归纳:
- the concrete elements in the event 事件中的元素都是以一个具体的方式呈现出来
- There is no new class defined in terms of generalization from, or classification of 事件中的内容并没有整合或者归纳:
IncorrectSorry, the answer you gave is incorrect. The correct answer is ”Concrete” or “9″ 不好意思,您回答错误。正确答案是“9” 或者“具体阶段”
Passes Concrete 9 通过具体阶段9
- Can describe events in past and present that show interrelations. 可以将过去与现在的事件结合起来
Fails Abstract 10 未通过抽象阶段10
- Violates Axiom 1 违背公理1:
- There is no new class defined in terms of generalization from, or classification of 事件中的内容并没有整合或者归纳:
- the concrete elements in the event 事件中的元素都是以一个具体的方式呈现出来
- There is no new class defined in terms of generalization from, or classification of 事件中的内容并没有整合或者归纳:
Question 6 of 24
6. Question
- Task: Describe what Alex likes. 任务:描述一下亚历克斯喜欢什么?
- Answer: Alex likes only some comedies, but also says that salmon is the best fish. 回答:亚历克斯喜欢喜剧,但他也说三文鱼是最好的鱼。
CorrectVery Good! You were Correct 恭喜,您回答正确!
Passes Abstract 10 通过抽象阶段10
- Generalizes about classes of things and makes assertions based on generalization能够将具体事件整理归类并对整理的类别进行一定的推理。
Fails Formal 11 未通过形式阶段11
- Violates Axiom 2:违背公理2:
- Abstract variables – likes some comedies 存在一些抽象概念,例如“喜剧”
- There is no organization of the abstract variables 并没有对抽象概念的整合。
- The abstract variables are also arbitrary 这些抽象概念没有被任意组合
IncorrectSorry, the answer you gave is incorrect. The correct answer is ”Abstract” or “10″ 不好意思,您回答错误。正确答案是“10” 或者“形式阶段”
Passes Abstract 10 通过抽象阶段10
- Generalizes about classes of things and makes assertions based on generalization能够将具体事件整理归类并对整理的类别进行一定的推理。
Fails Formal 11 未通过形式阶段11
- Violates Axiom 2:违背公理2:
- Abstract variables – likes some comedies 存在一些抽象概念,例如“喜剧”
- There is no organization of the abstract variables 并没有对抽象概念的整合。
- The abstract variables are also arbitrary 这些抽象概念没有被任意组合
Question 7 of 24
7. Question
- Task: Describe who are likely to be involved in crime.任务:描述一下谁更有可能涉嫌犯罪。
- Cool kids use drugs, so murdering people in general is bad. 回答:那些使用毒品的时尚年轻人。还有杀人的人是坏的。
CorrectVery Good! You were Correct 恭喜,您回答正确!
Passes Abstract 10 通过抽象阶段10
- Generalizes about classes of things and makes assertions based on generalization 能够将具体事件整理归类并对整理的类别进行一定的推理。
Fails Formal 11 未通过形式阶段11
- Violates Axiom 2 违背公理2:
- Abstract variables – cool kids use drugs 抽象概念:时尚年轻人
- There is no organization of the abstract variables. 并没有对抽象概念的整合
- The abstract variables are also arbitrary 抽象变量也是很任意的。
IncorrectSorry, the answer you gave is incorrect. The correct answer is ”Abstract” or “10″ 不好意思,您回答错误。正确答案是“10” 或者“抽象阶段”
Passes Abstract 10 通过抽象阶段10
- Generalizes about classes of things and makes assertions based on generalization 能够将具体事件整理归类并对整理的类别进行一定的推理。
Fails Formal 11 未通过形式阶段11
- Violates Axiom 2 违背公理2:
- Abstract variables – cool kids use drugs 抽象概念:时尚年轻人
- There is no organization of the abstract variables. 并没有对抽象概念的整合
- The abstract variables are also arbitrary 抽象变量也是很任意的。
Question 8 of 24
8. Question
- Task: Describe what teachers do when students talk in class. 任务:描述一下当学生在课堂上讲话的时候老师做什么
- All teachers yell at students who talk in class. 回答:老师对着课上说话的学生大喊大叫。
CorrectVery Good! You were Correct 恭喜,您回答正确!
Passes Abstract 10 通过抽象阶段10
- Generalizes about classes of things and makes assertions based on generalization. 能够将具体事件整理归类并对整理的类别进行一定的推理。
Fails Formal 11 未通过形式阶段11
- Violates Axiom 1 未通过公理1:
- Abstract variables – “All teachers” and “students who talk in class” 抽象概念:”所有的老师”以及“在课堂上讲话的学生”
- There is no logical or empirical evidence to support the generalized assertion using the abstract variables在句子中,没有任何证据证明如何对抽象元素的推理。
IncorrectSorry, the answer you gave is incorrect. The correct answer is ”Abstract” or “10″ 不好意思,您回答错误。正确答案是“10” 或者“抽象阶段”
Passes Abstract 10 通过抽象阶段10
- Generalizes about classes of things and makes assertions based on generalization. 能够将具体事件整理归类并对整理的类别进行一定的推理。
Fails Formal 11 未通过形式阶段11
- Violates Axiom 1 未通过公理1:
- Abstract variables – “All teachers” and “students who talk in class” 抽象概念:”所有的老师”以及“在课堂上讲话的学生”
- There is no logical or empirical evidence to support the generalized assertion using the abstract variables在句子中,没有任何证据证明如何对抽象元素的推理。
Question 9 of 24
9. Question
- Task: Discuss why students should not cheat on tests. 任务:讨论学生为什么不应该在测试中作弊
- Answer:When students cheat on tests, their understanding of the material cannot be accurately assessed. Classes based around student-teacher discussion of the material promote students’ critical thinking. 回答:当学生作弊时,他们对材料的理解就不能被准确的评估。上课是基于师生讨论来促进学生的批判性思维。
CorrectVery Good! You were Correct 恭喜,您回答正确!
Passes Formal 11 通过形式阶段11
- Logical explanation that coordinates relations among abstract variables. 能够有逻辑的解释抽象元素之间的关系
Fails Systematic 12 未通过系统阶段12
- Violates Axiom 2 违背公理2:
- Formal Variables – “Cheating”, “understanding of material cannot be accurately assessed”, “classes based around discussion of material” and “promote student critical thinking” 形式元素——”作弊”, “理解材料不能准确评估” 以及“促进学生的批判性思维”
- Relations – “When students cheat on tests”, “their understanding of material cannot be assessed”, “Classes based around student – teacher discussion promote students’ critical thinking”. 关系——”当学生测试作弊”, “无法评估他们对材料的理解” 以及“上课是基于师生讨论来促进学生的批判性思维”
- Two formal relations are presented but not related in any way. 这两个正式的关系提出了但不以任何方式联系。
- The organization of the formal relations is arbitrary. 正式关系的组织关系是任意(随意)的。
IncorrectSorry, the answer you gave is incorrect. The correct answer is ”Formal” or “11″ 不好意思,您回答错误。正确答案是“11” 或者“形式阶段”
Passes Formal 11 通过形式阶段11
- Logical explanation that coordinates relations among abstract variables. 能够有逻辑的解释抽象元素之间的关系
Fails Systematic 12 未通过系统阶段12
- Violates Axiom 2 违背公理2:
- Formal Variables – “Cheating”, “understanding of material cannot be accurately assessed”, “classes based around discussion of material” and “promote student critical thinking” 形式元素——”作弊”, “理解材料不能准确评估” 以及“促进学生的批判性思维”
- Relations – “When students cheat on tests”, “their understanding of material cannot be assessed”, “Classes based around student – teacher discussion promote students’ critical thinking”. 关系——”当学生测试作弊”, “无法评估他们对材料的理解” 以及“上课是基于师生讨论来促进学生的批判性思维”
- Two formal relations are presented but not related in any way. 这两个正式的关系提出了但不以任何方式联系。
- The organization of the formal relations is arbitrary. 正式关系的组织关系是任意(随意)的。
Question 10 of 24
10. Question
- Task: Defend atheism 任务:定义无神论者
- Answer: I don’t believe in God, because there is no evidence or logic to support the view. 回答:我不相信上帝,因为没有任何的证据为逻辑来支持这个观点。
CorrectVery Good! You were Correct 恭喜,您回答正确!
Passes Formal 11 通过形式阶段11
- Logical explanation that coordinates relations among abstract variables. 能够有逻辑的解释抽象元素之间的关系
Fails Systematic 12 未通过系统阶段12
- Violates Axiom 1 违背公理1:
- Formal Variables – belief (“don’t believe in God”),the view, sense-making (“doesn’t make sense”). 形式元素: 信念 (“不相信上帝”); 理解,以及意义(“没有意义”)
- Relations – “If there was a God”, it would make sense. It doesn’t. There is no God. 关系—如果有一个上帝,这将是有意义的。并没有,所以没有上帝。
- The argument does not coordinate relations of formal variables to form a system of relations.变量之间没有形成一个系统关系
IncorrectSorry, the answer you gave is incorrect. The correct answer is ”Formal” or “11″ 不好意思,您回答错误。正确答案是“11” 或者“形式阶段”
Passes Formal 11 通过形式阶段11
- Logical explanation that coordinates relations among abstract variables. 能够有逻辑的解释抽象元素之间的关系
Fails Systematic 12 未通过系统阶段12
- Violates Axiom 1 违背公理1:
- Formal Variables – belief (“don’t believe in God”),the view, sense-making (“doesn’t make sense”). 形式元素: 信念 (“不相信上帝”); 理解,以及意义(“没有意义”)
- Relations – “If there was a God”, it would make sense. It doesn’t. There is no God. 关系—如果有一个上帝,这将是有意义的。并没有,所以没有上帝。
- The argument does not coordinate relations of formal variables to form a system of relations.变量之间没有形成一个系统关系
Question 11 of 24
11. Question
- Task: Defend the value of making promises 任务: 定义一下作承诺的价值
- Answer: Relationships are built on trust and though we can’t always keep them, making promises is one way we build trust, so it’s generally better to make promises than not to make them.回答:关系是建立在信任之上的。并且尽管我们不能总是保持着这些关系,相应的作些承诺是一种建立信任的方式。因此作出承诺比不作承诺好些。
CorrectVery Good! You were Correct 恭喜,您回答正确!
Passes Systematic 12 通过系统阶段12
- Multiple relations of formal variables are coordinated to form a coherent system of relations. 多个形式变量关系协调,形成一个连贯的系统
Fails Metasystematic 13 未通过元系统阶段13
- Violates Axiom 1 违背公理1:
- Formal Variables – relationships, trust, promises. 形式变量——人际关系、信任、承诺。
- Relations 关系:
- Relationships are built on trust 人际关系是建立在信任之上.
- Making promises builds trust 承诺能建立信任.
- Promises cannot always be kept 不可能总是信守承诺.
- System – Promises Identifies the role of making promises in building trusting relationships 系统——标识承诺在构建信任上的作用
- Forms one system of relations, rather than multiple systems 形成一个关系系统,而不是多个系统
IncorrectSorry, the answer you gave is incorrect. The correct answer is ”Systematic” or “12″ 不好意思,您回答错误。正确答案是“12” 或者“系统阶段”
Passes Systematic 12 通过系统阶段12
- Multiple relations of formal variables are coordinated to form a coherent system of relations. 多个形式变量关系协调,形成一个连贯的系统
Fails Metasystematic 13 未通过元系统阶段13
- Violates Axiom 1 违背公理1:
- Formal Variables – relationships, trust, promises. 形式变量——人际关系、信任、承诺。
- Relations 关系:
- Relationships are built on trust 人际关系是建立在信任之上.
- Making promises builds trust 承诺能建立信任.
- Promises cannot always be kept 不可能总是信守承诺.
- System – Promises Identifies the role of making promises in building trusting relationships 系统——标识承诺在构建信任上的作用
- Forms one system of relations, rather than multiple systems 形成一个关系系统,而不是多个系统
Question 12 of 24
12. Question
- Task: Task: Defind the importance of having good schools. 任务:定义一下上好学校的重要性
- Answer: Children need to be taught values that will help them in our society. Outside of the family, schools are the main institutions for shaping values in children.回答:学生需要指导对他们将来出社会有用的价值观。除去家庭之外,学校是塑造学生价值的主要渠道。
- Thus, it is essential that we have good educational systems that teach important values and support the institution of the family in its role as the primary source of upstanding citizens. 因此,有一个良好的教育系统来教授学生正确的价值观就变得尤其重要。
CorrectVery Good! You were Correct 恭喜,您回答正确!
Passes Metasystematic 13 通过元系统阶段13
- Thus, it is essential that we have good educational systems that teach important values and support the institution of the family in its role as the primary source of upstanding citizens. 因此至关重要的是我们有良好的教育系统, 教育系统提供了重要价值和支持作为主要正直的公民的来源的家庭机构的地位。
- Coordination/principle: Essentialness of educational system supporting the role played by the family institution in society. 协调两个以上的系统:协调教育系统以及家庭社会之间的关系
IncorrectSorry, the answer you gave is incorrect. The correct answer is ”Metasystematic” or “13″ 不好意思,您回答错误。正确答案是“13” 或者“元系统阶段”
Passes Metasystematic 13 通过元系统阶段13
- Thus, it is essential that we have good educational systems that teach important values and support the institution of the family in its role as the primary source of upstanding citizens. 因此至关重要的是我们有良好的教育系统, 教育系统提供了重要价值和支持作为主要正直的公民的来源的家庭机构的地位。
- Coordination/principle: Essentialness of educational system supporting the role played by the family institution in society. 协调两个以上的系统:协调教育系统以及家庭社会之间的关系
Question 13 of 24
13. Question
Task: Count to five
Answer 回答:1, 2, 3, 4, 5
CorrectVery Good! You were Correct 恭喜,您回答正确!
Passes Preoperational 7: Counts a sequence in order
通过前运算阶段7, 能够按顺序数数
Fails Primary 8. 未达到初级阶段8
Violates Axiom 1
- The counting is not organized into higher order arithmetic数数能力并没有被整合成更高难度的算术问题
Incorrect- Sorry, the answer you gave is incorrect. The correct answer is ”Preoperational” or “7″不好意思,您回答错误。正确答案是“7” 或者“前运算阶段”Passes Preoperational 7: Counts a sequence in order
通过前运算阶段7, 能够按顺序数数
Fails Primary 8. 未达到初级阶段8
Violates Axiom 1
- The counting is not organized into higher order arithmetic数数能力并没有被整合成更高难度的算术问题
Question 14 of 24
14. Question
Task: Describe the moon任务:描述一下月亮
Answer: The moon is round. It has holes in it.回答:月亮是圆的,上面有洞。
CorrectVery Good! You were Correct 恭喜,您回答正确!
Passes Preoperational 7: Multiple sentences tell story about one topic通过前运算阶段7, 用多个句子讲述一个主题故事
Fails Primary 8. 未达到初级阶段8
Violates Axiom 1 违背公理1:
- No new order is defined by the preoperational action没有显示新的层级
IncorrectSorry, the answer you gave is incorrect. The correct answer is ”Preoperational”or “7″ 不好意思,您回答错误。正确答案是“7” 或者“前运算阶段”
Passes Preoperational 7: Multiple sentences tell story about one topic通过前运算阶段7, 用多个句子讲述一个主题故事
Fails Primary 8. 未达到初级阶段8
Violates Axiom 1 违背公理1:
- No new order is defined by the preoperational action没有显示新的层级
Question 15 of 24
15. Question
- Task: Use distribution in the problem 2 x (3 +4) 任务:运用分配法做这个问题:2 x (3 +4)
- Answer回答: 2+4×3
CorrectVery Good! You were Correct 恭喜,您回答正确!
Passes Primary 8通过初级阶段8
- Uses simple arithmetic 能够使用简单的算术方法
Fails Concrete 9 未通过具体阶段9
- Violates Axiom 3 违背公理3:
Primary stage actions are organized, but the organization is arbitrary 虽然初级阶段的行为已经被很好的组合,但是却不能灵活使用
IncorrectSorry, the answer you gave is incorrect. The correct answer is ”Primary” or “8″ 不好意思,您回答错误。正确答案是“8” 或者“初级”
Passes Primary 8通过初级阶段8
- Uses simple arithmetic 能够使用简单的算术方法
Fails Concrete 9 未通过具体阶段9
- Violates Axiom 3 违背公理3:
Primary stage actions are organized, but the organization is arbitrary 虽然初级阶段的行为已经被很好的组合,但是却不能灵活使用
Question 16 of 24
16. Question
- Task: Describe what the water is doing 任务:解释一下水在做什么?
- Answer: The water is filling the bathtub so I can take a bath 回答:水在充满浴缸,好让我洗澡。
CorrectVery Good! You were Correct 恭喜,您回答正确!
Passes Primary 8通过初级阶段8
- Story with logically ordered sequence events connected solidly to reality.故事富有逻辑性,并能与真实世界紧密地联系起来。
- Some specified times, places, acts, actors. 能够描述一些具体的时间,地点,行为。
- Perspective of self. 有自我意识。
Fails Concrete 9 未通过具体阶段9
- Violates Axiom 1 违背公理1:
- Does not place story in the context of interaction between self and other. 在故事中,并没有他人意识以及自我意识的互动
IncorrectSorry, the answer you gave is incorrect. The correct answer is ”Primary” or “8″ 不好意思,您回答错误。正确答案是“8” 或者“初级阶段”
Passes Primary 8通过初级阶段8
- Story with logically ordered sequence events connected solidly to reality.故事富有逻辑性,并能与真实世界紧密地联系起来。
- Some specified times, places, acts, actors. 能够描述一些具体的时间,地点,行为。
- Perspective of self. 有自我意识。
Fails Concrete 9 未通过具体阶段9
- Violates Axiom 1 违背公理1:
- Does not place story in the context of interaction between self and other. 在故事中,并没有他人意识以及自我意识的互动
Question 17 of 24
17. Question
- Task: Describe how Tom got to see a movie he wanted to see. 任务:描述汤姆是如何看到他想看到的电影的
- Answer: Tom did his chore. He cleaned the house. Like the last time he did that, his parents gave Tom money for a movie he wanted to see.回答:汤姆做了些苦差事。他打扫房子,就像上次一样,因此他的父母给了汤姆看电影的钱让他看他想看的电影。
CorrectVery Good! You were Correct 恭喜,您回答正确!
Passes Concrete 9 通过具体阶段9
- Can describe events in past and present that show interrelations. 可以将过去与现在的事件结合起来
Fails Abstract 10 未通过抽象阶段10
- Violates Axiom 1 违背公理1:
- There is no new class defined in terms of generalization from, or classification of 事件中的内容并没有整合或者归纳:
- the concrete elements in the event 事件中的元素都是以一个具体的方式呈现出来
- There is no new class defined in terms of generalization from, or classification of 事件中的内容并没有整合或者归纳:
IncorrectSorry, the answer you gave is incorrect. The correct answer is ”Concrete” or “9″ 不好意思,您回答错误。正确答案是“9” 或者“具体阶段”
Passes Concrete 9 通过具体阶段9
- Can describe events in past and present that show interrelations. 可以将过去与现在的事件结合起来
Fails Abstract 10 未通过抽象阶段10
- Violates Axiom 1 违背公理1:
- There is no new class defined in terms of generalization from, or classification of 事件中的内容并没有整合或者归纳:
- the concrete elements in the event 事件中的元素都是以一个具体的方式呈现出来
- There is no new class defined in terms of generalization from, or classification of 事件中的内容并没有整合或者归纳:
Question 18 of 24
18. Question
- Task: Describe what Alex likes. 任务:描述一下亚历克斯喜欢什么?
- Answer: Alex likes only some comedies, but also says that salmon is the best fish. 回答:亚历克斯喜欢喜剧,但他也说三文鱼是最好的鱼。
CorrectVery Good! You were Correct 恭喜,您回答正确!
Passes Abstract 10 通过抽象阶段10
- Generalizes about classes of things and makes assertions based on generalization能够将具体事件整理归类并对整理的类别进行一定的推理。
Fails Formal 11 未通过形式阶段11
- Violates Axiom 2:违背公理2:
- Abstract variables – likes some comedies 存在一些抽象概念,例如“喜剧”
- There is no organization of the abstract variables 并没有对抽象概念的整合。
- The abstract variables are also arbitrary 这些抽象概念没有被任意组合
IncorrectSorry, the answer you gave is incorrect. The correct answer is ”Abstract” or “10″ 不好意思,您回答错误。正确答案是“10” 或者“抽象阶段”
Passes Abstract 10 通过抽象阶段10
- Generalizes about classes of things and makes assertions based on generalization能够将具体事件整理归类并对整理的类别进行一定的推理。
Fails Formal 11 未通过形式阶段11
- Violates Axiom 2:违背公理2:
- Abstract variables – likes some comedies 存在一些抽象概念,例如“喜剧”
- There is no organization of the abstract variables 并没有对抽象概念的整合。
- The abstract variables are also arbitrary 这些抽象概念没有被任意组合
Question 19 of 24
19. Question
- Task: Describe who are likely to be involved in crime.任务:描述一下谁更有可能涉嫌犯罪。
- Cool kids use drugs, so murdering people in general is bad. 回答:那些使用毒品的时尚年轻人。还有杀人的人是坏的。
CorrectVery Good! You were Correct 恭喜,您回答正确!
Passes Abstract 10 通过抽象阶段10
- Generalizes about classes of things and makes assertions based on generalization 能够将具体事件整理归类并对整理的类别进行一定的推理。
Fails Formal 11 未通过形式阶段11
- Violates Axiom 2 违背公理2:
- Abstract variables – cool kids use drugs 抽象概念:时尚年轻人
- There is no organization of the abstract variables. 并没有对抽象概念的整合
- The abstract variables are also arbitrary 抽象变量也是很任意的。
IncorrectSorry, the answer you gave is incorrect. The correct answer is ”Abstract” or “10″ 不好意思,您回答错误。正确答案是“10” 或者“抽象”
Passes Abstract 10 通过抽象阶段10
- Generalizes about classes of things and makes assertions based on generalization 能够将具体事件整理归类并对整理的类别进行一定的推理。
Fails Formal 11 未通过形式阶段11
- Violates Axiom 2 违背公理2:
- Abstract variables – cool kids use drugs 抽象概念:时尚年轻人
- There is no organization of the abstract variables. 并没有对抽象概念的整合
- The abstract variables are also arbitrary 抽象变量也是很任意的。
Question 20 of 24
20. Question
- Task: Describe what teachers do when students talk in class. 任务:描述一下当学生在课堂上讲话的时候老师做什么
- All teachers yell at students who talk in class. 回答:老师对着课上说话的学生大喊大叫。
CorrectVery Good! You were Correct 恭喜,您回答正确!
Passes Abstract 10 通过抽象阶段10
- Generalizes about classes of things and makes assertions based on generalization. 能够将具体事件整理归类并对整理的类别进行一定的推理。
Fails Formal 11 未通过形式阶段11
- Violates Axiom 1 未通过公理1:
- Abstract variables – “All teachers” and “students who talk in class” 抽象概念:”所有的老师”以及“在课堂上讲话的学生”
- There is no logical or empirical evidence to support the generalized assertion using the abstract variables在句子中,没有任何证据证明如何对抽象元素的推理。
IncorrectSorry, the answer you gave is incorrect. The correct answer is ”Abstract” or “10″ 不好意思,您回答错误。正确答案是“10” 或者“抽象阶段”
Passes Abstract 10 通过抽象阶段10
- Generalizes about classes of things and makes assertions based on generalization. 能够将具体事件整理归类并对整理的类别进行一定的推理。
Fails Formal 11 未通过形式阶段11
- Violates Axiom 1 未通过公理1:
- Abstract variables – “All teachers” and “students who talk in class” 抽象概念:”所有的老师”以及“在课堂上讲话的学生”
- There is no logical or empirical evidence to support the generalized assertion using the abstract variables在句子中,没有任何证据证明如何对抽象元素的推理。
Question 21 of 24
21. Question
- Task: Discuss why students should not cheat on tests. 任务:讨论学生为什么不应该在测试中作弊
- When students cheat on tests, their understanding of the material cannot be accurately assessed. Classes based around student-teacher discussion of the material promote students’ critical thinking. 当学生作弊时,他们对材料的理解就不能被准确的评估。上课是基于师生讨论来促进学生的批判性思维。
CorrectVery Good! You were Correct 恭喜,您回答正确!
Passes Formal 11 通过形式阶段11
- Logical explanation that coordinates relations among abstract variables. 能够有逻辑的解释抽象元素之间的关系
Fails Systematic 12 未通过系统阶段12
- Violates Axiom 2 违背公理2:
- Formal Variables – “Cheating”, “understanding of material cannot be accurately assessed”, “classes based around discussion of material” and “promote student critical thinking” 形式元素——”作弊”, “理解材料不能准确评估” 以及“促进学生的批判性思维”
- Relations – “When students cheat on tests”, “their understanding of material cannot be assessed”, “Classes based around student – teacher discussion promote students’ critical thinking”. 关系——”当学生测试作弊”, “无法评估他们对材料的理解” 以及“上课是基于师生讨论来促进学生的批判性思维”
- Two formal relations are presented but not related in any way. 这两个正式的关系提出了但不以任何方式联系。
- The organization of the formal relations is arbitrary. 正式关系的组织关系是任意(随意)的。
IncorrectSorry, the answer you gave is incorrect. The correct answer is ”Formal” or “11″ 不好意思,您回答错误。正确答案是“11” 或者“形式阶段”
Passes Formal 11 通过形式阶段11
- Logical explanation that coordinates relations among abstract variables. 能够有逻辑的解释抽象元素之间的关系
Fails Systematic 12 未通过系统阶段12
- Violates Axiom 2 违背公理2:
- Formal Variables – “Cheating”, “understanding of material cannot be accurately assessed”, “classes based around discussion of material” and “promote student critical thinking” 形式元素——”作弊”, “理解材料不能准确评估” 以及“促进学生的批判性思维”
- Relations – “When students cheat on tests”, “their understanding of material cannot be assessed”, “Classes based around student – teacher discussion promote students’ critical thinking”. 关系——”当学生测试作弊”, “无法评估他们对材料的理解” 以及“上课是基于师生讨论来促进学生的批判性思维”
- Two formal relations are presented but not related in any way. 这两个正式的关系提出了但不以任何方式联系。
- The organization of the formal relations is arbitrary. 正式关系的组织关系是任意(随意)的。
Question 22 of 24
22. Question
- Task: Defend atheism 任务:定义无神论者
- I don’t believe in God, because there is no evidence or logic to support the view. 回答:我不相信上帝,因为没有任何的证据为逻辑来支持这个观点。
CorrectVery Good! You were Correct 恭喜,您回答正确!
Passes Formal 11 通过形式阶段11
- Logical explanation that coordinates relations among abstract variables. 能够有逻辑的解释抽象元素之间的关系
Fails Systematic 12 未通过系统阶段12
- Violates Axiom 1 违背公理1:
- Formal Variables – belief (“don’t believe in God”),the view, sense-making (“doesn’t make sense”). 形式元素: 信念 (“不相信上帝”); 理解,以及意义(“没有意义”)
- Relations – “If there was a God”, it would make sense. It doesn’t. There is no God. 关系—如果有一个上帝,这将是有意义的。并没有,所以没有上帝。
- The argument does not coordinate relations of formal variables to form a system of relations.变量之间没有形成一个系统关系
IncorrectSorry, the answer you gave is incorrect. The correct answer is ”Formal” or “11″ 不好意思,您回答错误。正确答案是“11” 或者“形式阶段”
Passes Formal 11 通过形式阶段11
- Logical explanation that coordinates relations among abstract variables. 能够有逻辑的解释抽象元素之间的关系
Fails Systematic 12 未通过系统阶段12
- Violates Axiom 1 违背公理1:
- Formal Variables – belief (“don’t believe in God”),the view, sense-making (“doesn’t make sense”). 形式元素: 信念 (“不相信上帝”); 理解,以及意义(“没有意义”)
- Relations – “If there was a God”, it would make sense. It doesn’t. There is no God. 关系—如果有一个上帝,这将是有意义的。并没有,所以没有上帝。
- The argument does not coordinate relations of formal variables to form a system of relations.变量之间没有形成一个系统关系
Question 23 of 24
23. Question
- Task: Defend the value of making promises 任务: 定义一下作承诺的价值
- Answer: Relationships are built on trust and though we can’t always keep them, making promises is one way we build trust, so it’s generally better to make promises than not to make them.回答:关系是建立在信任之上的。并且尽管我们不能总是保持着这些关系,相应的作些承诺是一种建立信任的方式。因此作出承诺比不作承诺好些。
CorrectVery Good! You were Correct 恭喜,您回答正确!
Passes Systematic 12 通过系统阶段12
- Multiple relations of formal variables are coordinated to form a coherent system of relations. 多个形式变量关系协调,形成一个连贯的系统
Fails Metasystematic 13 未通过元系统阶段13
- Violates Axiom 1 违背公理1:
- Formal Variables – relationships, trust, promises. 形式变量——人际关系、信任、承诺。
- Relations 关系:
- Relationships are built on trust 人际关系是建立在信任之上.
- Making promises builds trust 承诺能建立信任.
- Promises cannot always be kept 不可能总是信守承诺.
- System – Promises Identifies the role of making promises in building trusting relationships 系统——标识承诺在构建信任上的作用
- Forms one system of relations, rather than multiple systems 形成一个关系系统,而不是多个系统
IncorrectSorry, the answer you gave is incorrect. The correct answer is ”Systematic” or “12″ 不好意思,您回答错误。正确答案是“12” 或者“系统阶段”
Passes Systematic 12 通过系统阶段12
- Multiple relations of formal variables are coordinated to form a coherent system of relations. 多个形式变量关系协调,形成一个连贯的系统
Fails Metasystematic 13 未通过元系统阶段13
- Violates Axiom 1 违背公理1:
- Formal Variables – relationships, trust, promises. 形式变量——人际关系、信任、承诺。
- Relations 关系:
- Relationships are built on trust 人际关系是建立在信任之上.
- Making promises builds trust 承诺能建立信任.
- Promises cannot always be kept 不可能总是信守承诺.
- System – Promises Identifies the role of making promises in building trusting relationships 系统——标识承诺在构建信任上的作用
- Forms one system of relations, rather than multiple systems 形成一个关系系统,而不是多个系统
Question 24 of 24
24. Question
- Task: Task: Defind the importance of having good schools. 任务:定义一下上好学校的重要性
- Answer: Children need to be taught values that will help them in our society. Outside of the family, schools are the main institutions for shaping values in children.回答:学生需要指导对他们将来出社会有用的价值观。除去家庭之外,学校是塑造学生价值的主要渠道。
- Thus, it is essential that we have good educational systems that teach important values and support the institution of the family in its role as the primary source of upstanding citizens. 因此,有一个良好的教育系统来教授学生正确的价值观就变得尤其重要。
CorrectVery Good! You were Correct 恭喜,您回答正确!
Passes Metasystematic 13 通过元系统阶段13
- Thus, it is essential that we have good educational systems that teach important values and support the institution of the family in its role as the primary source of upstanding citizens. 因此至关重要的是我们有良好的教育系统, 教育系统提供了重要价值和支持作为主要正直的公民的来源的家庭机构的地位。
- Coordination/principle: Essentialness of educational system supporting the role played by the family institution in society. 协调两个以上的系统:协调教育系统以及家庭社会之间的关系
IncorrectSorry, the answer you gave is incorrect. The correct answer is ”Metasystematic” or “13″ 不好意思,您回答错误。正确答案是“13” 或者“元系统阶段”
Passes Metasystematic 13 通过元系统阶段13
- Thus, it is essential that we have good educational systems that teach important values and support the institution of the family in its role as the primary source of upstanding citizens. 因此至关重要的是我们有良好的教育系统, 教育系统提供了重要价值和支持作为主要正直的公民的来源的家庭机构的地位。
- Coordination/principle: Essentialness of educational system supporting the role played by the family institution in society. 协调两个以上的系统:协调教育系统以及家庭社会之间的关系