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- In the following short groups of sentences, please determine the stage. After you correctly identify the stage, you will be directed to two questions. The first question will ask you to identify the reasons why that sentence or statement was at that particular stage. The second question will ask you why that sentence or statement was not at a higher stage. 在下面的短句子组,请确定其所属的层级。当你正确识别其层级之后,你将被引导致两个问题。第一个问题会问你为什么这句陈述属于该阶段。第二个问题会问你为什么这句话不在一个更高的层级
Each presentation lasts two minutes minute, so work as fast as you can. Do not read everything if you do not need to. 每个问题集将持续两分钟,所以请以最快速度阅读并完成题目。您不需要读完所有内容来完成题目。
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Question 1 of 40
1. Question
Interviewer: What happened to the toy that your cousin lost?
Child: Yeah. He threw it up someplace. It must’ve landed in a gutter or in the streets.
CorrectVery Good! You were Correct 恭喜,您回答正确!
IncorrectSorry, the answer you gave is incorrect. The correct answer is ”Primary” or “8″ 不好意思,您回答错误。正确答案是 “初级阶段”或者“8”
Question 2 of 40
2. Question
The child’s response about the cousin’s lost toy is at the Primary Stage because孩子对表弟丢失的玩具的反应是在“初级阶段8”,因为
CorrectVery Good! You were Correct恭喜,您回答正确!
IncorrectSorry, the answer you gave is incorrect. The correct answer is “These sentences are matched against external reality” 不好意思,您回答错误。正确答案是 “这些句子与外在现实相匹配”
Question 3 of 40
3. Question
The child’s response about the cousin’s lost toy is not at the Concrete Stage because 孩子对表弟丢失的玩具的反应未达到“具体阶段9”,因为:
CorrectVery Good! You were Correct 恭喜,您回答正确!
IncorrectSorry, the answer you gave is incorrect. The correct answer is “There is no specific coordination between what the cousin did and the fact that the toy cannot be found”不好意思,您回答错误。正确答案是 “ “堂兄的行为”与“无法找到的玩具的这个事实”并没有具体的协调性”
Question 4 of 40
4. Question
Interviewer: Why weren’t you very mad when your friend moved?
Child: Because I did have a say in it, sort of. I asked them to stay, but he said Oh we have been planning to move for about a year.
CorrectVery Good! You were Correct 恭喜,您回答正确!
IncorrectSorry, the answer you gave is incorrect. The correct answer is ”Primary” or “8″
不好意思,您回答错误。正确答案是 “初级阶段”或者“8”
Question 5 of 40
5. Question
The child’s response to why the child was not mad when the child’s friend moved is at the Primary Stage because 孩子对他朋友搬家不生气的反应处在“初级阶段8”的理由是
CorrectVery Good! You were Correct 恭喜,您回答正确!
IncorrectSorry, the answer you gave is incorrect. The correct answer is ”These sentences are matched against external reality” 不好意思,您回答错误。正确答案是 “这些句子与外在现实相匹配”
Question 6 of 40
6. Question
The child’s response to why the child was not mad when the child’s friend moved is not at the Concrete Stage because 孩子对他朋友搬家不生气的反应未达到“具体阶段9”的理由是:
CorrectVery Good! You were Correct 恭喜,您回答正确!
IncorrectSorry, the answer you gave is incorrect. The correct answer is ”There is no specific coordination between the child having a say in the friend moving and the friend moving because of the planning to move for about a year” 不好意思,您回答错误。正确答案是 “‘孩子说他的朋友要搬家了’与‘朋友搬家了因为计划搬家已快有一年了’这两者之间没有特定的协调关系”
Question 7 of 40
7. Question
When her cat died: 当她的猫死的时候
Child: It made me feel like I had to do something because I wasn’t taking it that hard and like, the other two were 孩子说:这让我感到不得不做些什么,因为我没有像其他两个人那样困难地接受这个事实。CorrectVery Good! You were Correct 恭喜,您回答正确!
IncorrectSorry, the answer you gave is incorrect. The correct answer is ”Concrete” or “9″ 不好意思,您回答错误。正确答案是 “具体阶段”或者“9”
Question 8 of 40
8. Question
The child’s narration of the her feelings when her cat died is at the Concrete Stage because 孩子在她猫死的时候对自己感觉的叙述在“具体阶段9”因为
CorrectVery Good! You were Correct 恭喜,您回答正确!
IncorrectSorry, the answer you gave is incorrect. The correct answer is “This is a story, with specified roles: self and other family members” 不好意思,您回答错误。正确答案是 “这是一个有着指定角色的故事:我和其他家庭成员。”
Question 9 of 40
9. Question
The child’s narration of the her feelings when her cat died is not at the Abstract Stage because 孩子在她猫死的时候对自己感觉的叙述未达到“抽象阶段10”,因为:
CorrectVery Good! You were Correct 恭喜,您回答正确!
IncorrectSorry, the answer you gave is incorrect. The correct answer is “She is stating what sounds like a social norm, but it is not a general social norm. It is specific: because these two people are upset, she should be upset” 不好意思,您回答错误。正确答案是 “她正说着什么听起来像一个社会规范,但是那不是一个普通的社会规范。它是一个具体的社会规范:因为这二个人都不舒服,她应该也会不舒服。”
Question 10 of 40
10. Question
Participant: In addition to the fact that she was surrounded by the things that she has and likes, by people that she likes, and that taking care of these people is a good thing…for sure, she also felt the disadvantages of staying at home, of being a lot of time by herself…she would miss being able to go out, to know other people…
参与者:除了她被喜欢的东西和喜欢的人所包围的这个事实,她认为照顾她喜欢的人是件美好的事。 当然,她也感到大部分时间自己一个人呆在家里的缺点。 她可能会错失出去认识其他人的机会。
CorrectVery Good! You were Correct 恭喜,您回答正确!
IncorrectSorry, the answer you gave is incorrect. The correct answer is ”Abstract” or “10″ 不好意思,您回答错误。正确答案是 “抽象阶段”或者“10”
Question 11 of 40
11. Question
The participant’s narration of the advantages and disadvantages of staying at home is at the Abstract Stage because 参与者对于呆在家里的优缺点的叙述是“抽象阶段10”的理由是
CorrectVery Good! You were Correct 恭喜,您回答正确!
IncorrectSorry, the answer you gave is incorrect. The correct answer is “The participant refers to generalizations and preferences, rather than a specific event or situation” 不好意思,您回答错误。正确答案是 “参与者指的是归纳和偏好,而不是一个特殊事件或特殊情况”
Question 12 of 40
12. Question
The participants’ narration of the advantages and disadvantages of staying at home is not at the Formal Stage because 参与者对待在家里的优缺点的叙述未达到“形式阶段11”的理由是
CorrectVery Good! You were Correct 恭喜,您回答正确!
IncorrectSorry, the answer you gave is incorrect. The correct answer is ”The participant does not make a comparison between preferences” 不好意思,您回答错误。正确答案是 “参与者并没有在偏好之间做比较。”
Question 13 of 40
13. Question
Participant: I play slowly enough to anticipate each upcoming section of the music 我慢慢演奏音乐来预测音乐每一个即将到来的部分
CorrectVery Good! You were Correct 恭喜,您回答正确!
IncorrectSorry, the answer you gave is incorrect. The correct answer is ”Formal” or “11″ 不好意思,您回答错误。正确答案是 “形式阶段”或者“11”
Question 14 of 40
14. Question
The participant’s reason to play slowly is at the Formal Stage because 参与者解释演奏音乐慢的原因处于“形式阶段11”,因为
CorrectVery Good! You were Correct 恭喜,您回答正确!
IncorrectSorry, the answer you gave is incorrect. The correct answer is “This statement contains an implied “if… then” relationship that connects two abstract variables: speed of playing and anticipation of upcoming sections” 不好意思,您回答错误。正确答案是 “这个陈述句隐含了一个“如果…那么”的关系。这个隐含的关系连结两个抽象变量即演奏音乐的速度和预期到来的部分。”
Question 15 of 40
15. Question
The participant’s reason to play slowly is not at the Systematic Stage because 参与者解释演奏音乐慢的原因不在系统阶段,因为
CorrectVery Good! You were Correct 恭喜,您回答正确!
IncorrectSorry, the answer you gave is incorrect. The correct answer is “There is only one “if… then” statement in this passage and it is not coordinated with any other formal relations”
Question 16 of 40
16. Question
Participant: Many times it does not compensate, for many reasons: maybe because the husband did not deserve such dedication or because the children did not become what the parents hoped for
CorrectVery Good! You were Correct 恭喜,您回答正确!
IncorrectSorry, the answer you gave is incorrect. The correct answer is ”Systematic” or “12″ 不好意思,您回答错误。正确答案是 “系统阶段”或者“12”
Question 17 of 40
17. Question
The participant’s reasons as to why dedication to family does not compensate is at the Systematic Stage because 参与者对为什么对家人奉献却没有回报的解释处在“系统阶段12”,因为:
CorrectVery Good! You were Correct 恭喜,您回答正确!
IncorrectSorry, the answer you gave is incorrect. The correct answer is “This statement contains multiple causes: husband did not deserve, and children did not turn out as hoped for” 不好意思,您回答错误。正确答案是 “这个表述包含多种元素:丈夫不值得她这样,孩子也没有表现出希望的结果。”
Question 18 of 40
18. Question
The participant’s reasons as to why dedication to family does not compensate is not at the Metasystematic Stage because 参与者对为什么对家人奉献却没有回报的解释未达到“元系统阶段13”的理由是:
CorrectVery Good! You were Correct 恭喜,您回答正确!
IncorrectSorry, the answer you gave is incorrect. The correct answer is “This statement contains only one system. Multiple causes were attributed to a single effect, but these causes were formal relations”不好意思,您回答错误。正确答案是 “ 这个表述只包含一个系统。一果多因,不过这些原因都是形式关系。”
Question 19 of 40
19. Question
Situation: There is a drug that a person cannot afford that they need to live. 情景:一个人买不起可以维持他生命的药。
Participant: You could go to jail for stealing. That is a little bit like civil disobedience and Thoreau and so on, not quite the same thing. You are standing up for the principle that human life is more important on this particular equation; more than property. You are showing that you are willing to take the consequences, even if it means that you’re going to jail. I think that this notion of being willing to take the consequences is important. There is the problem of an unjust price, in this situation. There are so many complex moral issues. There are many ways in which you could express your willingness to comport with a social system without causing personal outrage to oneself.
CorrectVery Good! You were Correct 恭喜,您回答正确!
IncorrectSorry, the answer you gave is incorrect. The correct answer is ”Metasystematic” or “13″ 不好意思,您回答错误。正确答案是 “元系统阶段”或者“13”
Question 20 of 40
20. Question
The participant’s response to the situation where a person cannot afford a drug that they need to live is at the Metasystematic Stage because 参与者对一个人买不起可以维持他生命的药的反应在元系统阶段,因为
CorrectVery Good! You were Correct 恭喜,您回答正确!
IncorrectSorry, the answer you gave is incorrect. The correct answer is “The participant successfully coordinates an ideal system of morality with preservation of life over property in a hierarchical value system, but integrates this theme with the theme of preserving social order” 不好意思,您回答错误。正确答案是 “参与者在一个维持生命财产的等级价值体系里成功地协调了一个理想的道德体系,但是将这个观念整合到维持社会秩序的主题里面去了。”
Question 21 of 40
21. Question
Interviewer: What happened to the toy that your cousin lost?
Child: Yeah. He threw it up someplace. It must’ve landed in a gutter or in the streets.
CorrectVery Good! You were Correct 恭喜,您回答正确!
IncorrectSorry, the answer you gave is incorrect. The correct answer is ”Primary” or “8″ 不好意思,您回答错误。正确答案是 “初级阶段”或者“8”
Question 22 of 40
22. Question
The child’s response about the cousin’s lost toy is at the Primary Stage because孩子对表弟丢失的玩具的反应是在“初级阶段8”,因为
CorrectVery Good! You were Correct 恭喜,您回答正确!
IncorrectSorry, the answer you gave is incorrect. The correct answer is “These sentences are matched against external reality” 不好意思,您回答错误。正确答案是 “这些句子与外在现实相匹配”
Question 23 of 40
23. Question
The child’s response about the cousin’s lost toy is not at the Concrete Stage because 孩子对表弟丢失的玩具的反应不在具体阶段的理由,因为
CorrectVery Good! You were Correct 恭喜,您回答正确!
IncorrectSorry, the answer you gave is incorrect. The correct answer is “There is no specific coordination between what the cousin did and the fact that the toy cannot be found”
Question 24 of 40
24. Question
Interviewer: Why weren’t you very mad when your friend moved?
Child: Because I did have a say in it, sort of. I asked them to stay, but he said Oh we have been planning to move for about a year面谈者:当你听说你朋友要搬家时,你为什么不非常生气? 孩子:某种程度上,因为我确定对这件事有发言权,但是他说我们计划办加一块有一年了。
CorrectVery Good! You were Correct 恭喜,您回答正确!
IncorrectSorry, the answer you gave is incorrect. The correct answer is ”Primary” or “8″
Question 25 of 40
25. Question
The child’s response to why the child was not mad when the child’s friend moved is at the Primary Stage because 孩子的反应,及孩子对他朋友搬家不生气,是在初级阶段的理由是
CorrectVery Good! You were Correct 恭喜,您回答正确!
IncorrectSorry, the answer you gave is incorrect. The correct answer is ”These sentences are matched against external reality”
Question 26 of 40
26. Question
The child’s response to why the child was not mad when the child’s friend moved is not at the Concrete Stage because 孩子的反应,及孩子对他朋友搬家不生气,不是在具体运算阶段的理由是
CorrectVery Good! You were Correct 恭喜,您回答正确!
IncorrectSorry, the answer you gave is incorrect. The correct answer is ”There is no specific coordination between the child having a say in the friend moving and the friend moving because of the planning to move for about a year”
Question 27 of 40
27. Question
[When her cat died:]
Child: It made me feel like I had to do something because I wasn’t taking it that hard and like, the other two were 孩子说:这让我感到不得不做些什么,因为我没有像其他两个人那样困难地接受这个事实。CorrectVery Good! You were Correct 恭喜,您回答正确!
IncorrectSorry, the answer you gave is incorrect. The correct answer is ”Concrete” or “9″
Question 28 of 40
28. Question
The child’s narration of the her feelings when her cat died is at the Concrete Stage because 孩子在她猫死的时候对自己感觉的叙述在具体阶段因为
CorrectVery Good! You were Correct 恭喜,您回答正确!
IncorrectSorry, the answer you gave is incorrect. The correct answer is “This is a story, with specified roles: self and other family members”
Question 29 of 40
29. Question
The child’s narration of the her feelings when her cat died is not at the Abstract Stage because 孩子在她猫死的时候对自己感觉的叙述不在抽象阶段因为
CorrectVery Good! You were Correct 恭喜,您回答正确!
IncorrectSorry, the answer you gave is incorrect. The correct answer is “She is stating what sounds like a social norm, but it is not a general social norm. It is specific: because these two people are upset, she should be upset”
Question 30 of 40
30. Question
Participant: In addition to the fact that she was surrounded by the things that she has and likes, by people that she likes, and that taking care of these people is a good thing…for sure, she also felt the disadvantages of staying at home, of being a lot of time by herself…she would miss being able to go out, to know other people..
参与者:除了她被喜欢的东西和喜欢的人所包围的这个事实,她认为照顾她喜欢的人是件美好的事。 当然,她也感到大部分时间自己一个人呆在家里的缺点。 她可能会错失出去认识其他人的机会。
CorrectVery Good! You were Correct 恭喜,您回答正确!
IncorrectSorry, the answer you gave is incorrect. The correct answer is ”Abstract” or “10″
Question 31 of 40
31. Question
The participant’s narration of the advantages and disadvantages of staying at home is at the Abstract Stage because 参与者对于呆在家里的优缺点的叙述在抽象阶段的理由是
CorrectVery Good! You were Correct 恭喜,您回答正确!
IncorrectSorry, the answer you gave is incorrect. The correct answer is “The participant refers to generalizations and preferences, rather than a specific event or situation”
Question 32 of 40
32. Question
The participants’ narration of the advantages and disadvantages of staying at home is not at the Formal Stage because 参与者对待在家里的优缺点的叙述在初级阶段的理由是
CorrectVery Good! You were Correct 恭喜,您回答正确!
IncorrectSorry, the answer you gave is incorrect. The correct answer is ”The participant does not make a comparison between preferences”
Question 33 of 40
33. Question
Participant: I play slowly enough to anticipate each upcoming section of the music 我演奏音乐足够慢来预测音乐每一个即将到来的部分
CorrectVery Good! You were Correct 恭喜,您回答正确!
IncorrectSorry, the answer you gave is incorrect. The correct answer is ”Formal” or “11″
Question 34 of 40
34. Question
The participant’s reason to play slowly is at the Formal Stage because 参与者解释演奏音乐慢的原因在形式阶段,因为
CorrectVery Good! You were Correct 恭喜,您回答正确!
IncorrectSorry, the answer you gave is incorrect. The correct answer is “This statement contains an implied “if… then” relationship that connects two abstract variables: speed of playing and anticipation of upcoming sections”
Question 35 of 40
35. Question
The participant’s reason to play slowly is not at the Systematic Stage because 参与者解释演奏音乐慢的原因不在系统阶段,因为
CorrectVery Good! You were Correct 恭喜,您回答正确!
IncorrectSorry, the answer you gave is incorrect. The correct answer is “There is only one “if… then” statement in this passage and it is not coordinated with any other formal relations”
Question 36 of 40
36. Question
Participant: Many times it does not compensate, for many reasons: maybe because the husband did not deserve such dedication or because the children did not become what the parents hoped for 参与者:很多时候由于很多原因,付出没有回报,可能是因为丈夫不值得她这样奉献,或者因为孩子们没有成为父母期望的那样。
CorrectVery Good! You were Correct 恭喜,您回答正确!
IncorrectSorry, the answer you gave is incorrect. The correct answer is ”Systematic” or “12″
Question 37 of 40
37. Question
The participant’s reasons as to why dedication to family does not compensate is at the Systematic Stage because
CorrectVery Good! You were Correct 恭喜,您回答正确!
IncorrectSorry, the answer you gave is incorrect. The correct answer is “This statement contains multiple causes: husband did not deserve, and children did not turn out as hoped for”
Question 38 of 40
38. Question
The participant’s reasons as to why dedication to family does not compensate is not at the Metasystematic Stage because
CorrectVery Good! You were Correct 恭喜,您回答正确!
IncorrectSorry, the answer you gave is incorrect. The correct answer is “This statement contains only one system. Multiple causes were attributed to a single effect, but these causes were formal relations”
Question 39 of 40
39. Question
Situation: There is a drug that a person cannot afford that they need to live. 情景:一个人买不起可以维持他生命的药。
Participant: You could go to jail for stealing. That is a little bit like civil disobedience and Thoreau and so on, not quite the same thing. You are standing up for the principle that human life is more important on this particular equation; more than property. You are showing that you are willing to take the consequences, even if it means that you’re going to jail. I think that this notion of being willing to take the consequences is important. There is the problem of an unjust price, in this situation. There are so many complex moral issues. There are many ways in which you could express your willingness to comport with a social system without causing personal outrage to oneself.
CorrectVery Good! You were Correct
IncorrectSorry, the answer you gave is incorrect. The correct answer is ”Metasystematic” or “13″
Question 40 of 40
40. Question
The participant’s response to the situation where a person cannot afford a drug that they need to live is at the Metasystematic Stage because 参与者对一个人买不起可以维持他生命的药的反应在元系统阶段,因为
CorrectVery Good! You were Correct 恭喜,您回答正确!
IncorrectSorry, the answer you gave is incorrect. The correct answer is “The participant successfully coordinates an ideal system of morality with preservation of life over property in a hierarchical value system, but integrates this theme with the theme of preserving social order”